Its a well know problem that parrot have major supply issues of parrot bluetooth goods in the UK, The genuine stock is readily available and ready to distribute through the correct channels. However this side of the business is not the problem. The problem is there is so much grey stock in the UK at the minute it is very difficult to recognise genuine items from the Grey stock which is generally priced extremely low online.
So why does this matter?
Well if you purchase Grey stock the UK warranty is void & you don't have technical support from parrot. This is obviously a big issue if you run into any problems with the installation or further down the line with the product. Maybe this is not a big issue for some of those willing to take the risk. But consider this, over 50% of the Grey stock is being purchased from channels with Europe who deal with faulty and returned products then import to the UK when fixed, and a considerable amount is imported from china when its debatable whether its genuine parrot stock at all. As you can see the odds are not in your favour if and when you buy them.
The Performance of the Grey stock is the same as genuine Parrot stock (assuming it is a working unit). You get the same features and functions, In fact you wouldn't necessarily know if you have purchased Grey until its too late.
Genuine Vs Grey Parrot Kits
Both parrots kits are technically the same, one a new product manufactured and distributed to the UK through reliable sources. The other you could be getting a second hand product which has been re-flashed with software. You could get the grey stock up to £30 cheaper than the genuine product online however without warranties.
Parrot are aware of the problem of illegal importation of their products and have launched an new initiative to reduce the fraudulent products entering the UK market place. This consists of a unique serial number containing the number “55” added to the exterior packaging on the box. From now, If your parrot product does not have 55 in the serial number I would be worried about the quality and return to the retailer as soon as possible.
With this system the Supply of Genuine
parrot bluetooth stock is improving, however keep when ordering the parrot online the cheapest is not necessarily the best deal. You don't want to be stung by an immoral retailer.